class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Mini-Lecture 24 ## Shapefiles and Projections ### Ben Baumer ### SDS 192April 1st, 2019(
) --- class: center, middle # DataFest recap --- ## `sf` - Make sure you have `sf` installed ```r library(sf) ``` ``` ## Linking to GEOS 3.5.1, GDAL 2.1.3, PROJ 4.9.2 ``` - `sf` is installed on `` - same home directory --- ## What to do? ``` package ‘sf’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked The downloaded binary packages are in C:\Users\sgill\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC24fvn\downloaded_packages > devtools::install_github("beanumber/macleish") Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : there is no package called ‘fs’ ``` --- ## What version of `macleish` do you have? ``` Error in as.double(y) : cannot coerce type ‘S4’ to vector of type ’double. ``` - Need at least version 0.3.3 - Older versions use old `sp` class instead of `sf` --- ## `macleish` - Make sure you have version >= 0.3.3 - `etl` is a dependency - may have to install `RSQLite` package --- ## No vignette? > Warning message: vignette ‘macleish’ not found" for vignette - ?? - Not essential -- more of a nice-to-have --- ## `group_map` not found > It look me a long time and many trials, but I finally was able to download both the macleish and sf packages. The key was that I needed to **update `dplyr`** to version - `group_map` is a new function! --- ## Joy .pull-left[ > Btw the interactive maps are suuuuper cool!!! I feel like I'm finally doing what I want to learn :smile: ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- ## Accessing items in a `data.frame` ```r names(mtcars) ``` ``` ## [1] "mpg" "cyl" "disp" "hp" "drat" "wt" "qsec" "vs" "am" "gear" ## [11] "carb" ``` ```r # vector within a data.frame mtcars$mpg ``` ``` ## [1] 21.0 21.0 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2 17.8 16.4 17.3 15.2 ## [15] 10.4 10.4 14.7 32.4 30.4 33.9 21.5 15.5 15.2 13.3 19.2 27.3 26.0 30.4 ## [29] 15.8 19.7 15.0 21.4 ``` ```r # same, tidyverse way mtcars %>% pull(mpg) ``` ``` ## [1] 21.0 21.0 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2 17.8 16.4 17.3 15.2 ## [15] 10.4 10.4 14.7 32.4 30.4 33.9 21.5 15.5 15.2 13.3 19.2 27.3 26.0 30.4 ## [29] 15.8 19.7 15.0 21.4 ``` --- ## But a `data.frame` is a `list` ```r class(mtcars) ``` ``` ## [1] "data.frame" ``` ```r typeof(mtcars) ``` ``` ## [1] "list" ``` --- # Accessing items in a `data.frame` ```r class(mtcars["mpg"]) ``` ``` ## [1] "data.frame" ``` ```r class(mtcars[["mpg"]]) ``` ``` ## [1] "numeric" ``` --- ## Accessing items in a `list` ```r library(macleish) class(macleish_layers) ``` ``` ## [1] "list" ``` ```r class(macleish_layers["buildings"]) # returns list ``` ``` ## [1] "list" ``` ```r class(macleish_layers[["buildings"]]) # returns sf ``` ``` ## [1] "sf" "data.frame" ``` ```r # tidyverse way macleish_layers %>% pluck("buildings") %>% class() ``` ``` ## [1] "sf" "data.frame" ``` --- ## Selectors - give me the same kind of thing - `[` - extract the thing and give it to me - base R: `$`, `[[` - `tidyverse`: `pull()`, `pluck()` --- ## Errors, Warnings, and Messages .pull-left[ - `error`: code breaks -- you must fix - `warning`: alert - code worked (probably)! - read and pay attention - often everything is OK - `message`: just information ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- ## `leaflet` > I had trouble adding popups to my interactive map in the last exercise. I **don't fully understand the syntax** for adding layers to the map > im having trouble **figuring out what the arguments are** for the addPolygon/line to map the data. - read documentation and examples - not exactly `ggplot2` syntax - more practice coming... --- class: center, middle # GIS --- ## Geographic Information System (GIS) .centered[![](] --- ## [Smith Spatial Analysis Lab]( .centered[![](] - Jon Caris, Director - Tracy Tien, Spatial Data Specialist - Smith-specific data --- ## ArcGIS .centered[![](] --- ## [QGIS]( .centered[![](] --- ## Spatial packages in R - Working with shapefiles - ~~`sp` for classes and basic functionality~~ - ~~`rgdal` for projections and advanced reading/writing~~ - ~~`rgeos` for spatial computations~~ - `sf` for everything - Plotting - `leaflet` for interactive maps - ~~`ggmap` for static maps~~ - `ggplot2` for static maps --- ## Shapefiles aren't really files ```r library(sf) list.files("../../biketrails/") ``` ``` ## [1] "Bicycle_Trails.lyr" "biketrails_arc.avl" ## [3] "biketrails_arc.dbf" "biketrails_arc.prj" ## [5] "biketrails_arc.sbn" "biketrails_arc.sbx" ## [7] "biketrails_arc.shp" "biketrails_arc.shp.xml" ## [9] "biketrails_arc.shx" ``` - they all store different information - but you need *all* of them! --- ## `sf` `data.frame`s ```r library(macleish) pluck(macleish_layers, "buildings") ``` ``` ## Simple feature collection with 27 features and 1 field ## geometry type: POLYGON ## dimension: XY ## bbox: xmin: -72.68251 ymin: 42.44104 xmax: -72.67923 ymax: 42.44919 ## epsg (SRID): 4326 ## proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs ## First 10 features: ## name geometry ## 1 0 POLYGON ((-72.68056 42.4484... ## 2 0 POLYGON ((-72.68051 42.4483... ## 3 0 POLYGON ((-72.68123 42.4464... ## 4 0 POLYGON ((-72.68116 42.4463... ## 5 0 POLYGON ((-72.68134 42.4461... ## 6 0 POLYGON ((-72.68135 42.4451... ## 7 0 POLYGON ((-72.68137 42.4450... ## 8 0 POLYGON ((-72.68102 42.4445... ## 9 0 POLYGON ((-72.68098 42.4444... ## 10 0 POLYGON ((-72.68143 42.4443... ``` --- ## Adding attributes manually ```r bechtel <- data.frame(lat = 42.449167, lon = -72.679389) library(leaflet) leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat, data = bechtel, popup = "Bechtel Environmental Classroom") ```
--- ## Adding attributes as variables ```r bechtel <- data.frame(lat = 42.449167, lon = -72.679389, name = "Bechtel Environmental Classroom") leaflet(data = bechtel) %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat, popup = ~name) ```
--- class: center, middle # Projections --- background-image: url( background-size: contain --- ## Distortion .centered[![]({.cover}] --- ## Projections - Complicated (non-trivial math) - There is no one "best" projection - **Important!!** - Not OK to pretend like projections don't matter - Explore: ( --- ## Mercator ![]( --- ## [Gall-Peters](–Peters_projection) ![]( --- ## Albers Equal Area ![]( --- ## Lambert Conformal Conic ![]( --- ## PROJ.4 strings and EPSG ```r # GPS and Google Earth st_crs("+init=epsg:4326") ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## EPSG: 4326 ## proj4string: "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" ``` ```r # Google Maps* st_crs("+init=epsg:3857") ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## EPSG: 3857 ## proj4string: "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +nadgrids=@null +units=m +no_defs" ``` --- ## Checking projections ```r macleish_layers %>% pluck("buildings") %>% st_crs() ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## EPSG: 4326 ## proj4string: "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs" ``` ```r macleish_layers %>% pluck("buildings") %>% st_bbox() ``` ``` ## xmin ymin xmax ymax ## -72.68251 42.44104 -72.67923 42.44919 ``` --- ## Projecting geospatial data ```r buildings_3857 <- macleish_layers %>% pluck("buildings") %>% st_transform(3857) buildings_3857 %>% st_crs() ``` ``` ## Coordinate Reference System: ## EPSG: 3857 ## proj4string: "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs" ``` ```r buildings_3857 %>% st_bbox() ``` ``` ## xmin ymin xmax ymax ## -8090979 5227276 -8090614 5228505 ``` --- ## Work on... - [Lab #15](../lab-sf.html) - [Homework #5:](../hw/hw_spatial.html) - [Mini-project #3](../mod_spatial.html)