class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Database Querying with SQL ## Using SQL in R Markdown ### Ben Baumer ### SDS 192April 20th, 2020(
) --- class: center, middle, inverse # Using SQL in R Markdown --- ## Do we need the MySQL Workbench? - Short answer: No -- - Long answer: I find it helpful for: - exploring databases with a GUI - fiddling around with queries - more informative error messages - built-in help - adding keys and indexes (more on that later) - then copy-and-paste working queries into R Markdown --- ## Ways to interact with MySQL 1. GUI SQL client: MySQL Workbench 2. command line SQL client (next slide) 3. generic SQL access in R: ~~`DBI::dbGetQuery()`~~ 4. `RMySQL` through R Markdown chunks (see labs & hw) 5. Lots of other ways... -- I prefer: - (1) for SQL development - (4) for SQL reporting --- ## R Markdown as a conceirge - Key idea: R Markdown can work with many languages - it doesn't *translate* - but it knows people who can - it can collect results -- - Your R Markdown file can contain: - R chunks - SQL chunks - Python chunks - many other languages .footnote[] -- - Analogy: - R Markdown is like hotel conceirge - Guests are like chunks - Most of them only speak R (i.e., English) - The conceirge doesn't speak all these languages, but **she knows people who do** - The conceirge can collect information and report it in one place --- ## Method 4: Using SQL in R Markdown - An R chunk that defines a connection to a database ```r library(RMySQL) db <- dbConnect( MySQL(), host = "", user = "sds192", password = "DSismfc@S", dbname = "imdb" ) knitr::opts_chunk$set(connection = db, max.print = 20) ``` .footnote[] -- - As many SQL chunks as you want ```` ```{sql connection=db, output.var="types"} SELECT * FROM kind_type; ``` ```` -- - **Use "Chunk Output Inline" option for interactive use**