To install tidychangepoint
from CRAN:
To install the development version of tidychangepoint
To load it:
Tidy methods for changepoint analysis
The tidychangepoint
package allows you to use any number of algorithms for detecting changepoint sets in univariate time series with a common, tidyverse
-compliant interface. Currently, algorithms from changepoint
, wbs
, and several genetic algorithms made accessible via GA
are supported. It also provides model-fitting procedures for commonly-used parametric models, tools for computing various penalty functions, and graphical diagnostic displays.
Changepoint sets are computed using the segment()
function, which takes a numeric vector that is coercible into a ts
object, and a string indicating the algorithm you wish you use. segment()
always returns a tidycpt
Various methods are available for tidycpt
objects. For example, as.ts()
returns the original data as ts
object, and changepoints()
returns the set of changepoint indices.
If the original time series has time labels, we can also retrieve that information.
changepoints(x, use_labels = TRUE)
The fitness()
function returns the both the value and the name of the objective function that the algorithm used to find the optimal changepoint set.
The tidy()
method shows the fitted parameters values for each region.
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'tsibble':
## method from
## as_tibble.grouped_df dplyr
## # A tibble: 2 × 9
## region num_obs min max mean sd begin end param_mu
## <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 [1,330) 329 6.86 10.6 9.17 0.615 1 330 9.17
## 2 [330,367) 37 8.95 11.2 10.3 0.528 330 367 10.3
Algorithmic coverage
## # A tibble: 12 × 5
## method pkg segmenter_class helper wraps
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 pelt changepoint cpt segment_pelt() changepoint:…
## 2 binseg changepoint cpt <NA> changepoint:…
## 3 segneigh changepoint cpt <NA> changepoint:…
## 4 single-best changepoint cpt <NA> changepoint:…
## 5 wbs wbs wbs <NA> wbs::wbs()
## 6 ga GA tidyga segment_ga() GA::ga()
## 7 ga-shi GA tidyga segment_ga_shi() segment_ga()
## 8 ga-coen GA tidyga segment_ga_coen() segment_ga()
## 9 coen tidychangepoint seg_basket segment_coen() <NA>
## 10 random GA tidyga segment_ga_random() segment_ga()
## 11 manual tidychangepoint seg_cpt segment_manual() <NA>
## 12 null tidychangepoint seg_cpt segment_manual() <NA>
ls_coverage() |>
dplyr::group_by(method) |>
models = paste(unique(model), collapse = ", "),
penalties = paste(unique(penalty), collapse = ", ")
) |>
dplyr::arrange(method) |>
method | models | penalties |
binseg | fit_meanvar | None, SIC, BIC, MBIC, AIC, HQC, Asymptotic, Manual, CROPS |
coen | fit_nhpp | BMDL |
ga | fit_lmshift, fit_lmshift_ar1, fit_meanshift_lnorm, fit_meanshift_norm, fit_meanshift_norm_ar1, fit_meanvar, fit_nhpp, fit_trendshift, fit_trendshift_ar1 | SIC, AIC, BIC, HQC, MBIC, MDL |
ga-coen | fit_nhpp | BMDL |
ga-shi | fit_meanshift_norm_ar1 | BIC |
manual | fit_meanshift_norm | BIC |
null | fit_meanshift_norm | BIC |
pelt | fit_meanshift_norm, fit_meanvar | None, SIC, BIC, MBIC, AIC, HQC, Asymptotic, Manual, CROPS |
random | fit_lmshift, fit_lmshift_ar1, fit_meanshift_lnorm, fit_meanshift_norm, fit_meanshift_norm_ar1, fit_meanvar, fit_nhpp, fit_trendshift, fit_trendshift_ar1 | SIC, AIC, BIC, HQC, MBIC, MDL |
segneigh | fit_meanvar | None, SIC, BIC, MBIC, AIC, HQC, Asymptotic, Manual, CROPS |
single-best | fit_meanvar | None, SIC, BIC, MBIC, AIC, HQC, Asymptotic, Manual, CROPS |
wbs | NA | NA |
Please read the full paper for more details.
To cite the package, use the following information:
## Warning in citation("tidychangepoint"): could not determine year for
## 'tidychangepoint' from package DESCRIPTION file
## To cite package 'tidychangepoint' in publications use:
## Baumer B, Suárez Sierra B, Coen A, Taimal C (????). _tidychangepoint:
## A Tidy Framework for Changepoint Detection Analysis_. R package
## version, <>.
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Manual{,
## title = {tidychangepoint: A Tidy Framework for Changepoint Detection Analysis},
## author = {Benjamin S. Baumer and Biviana Marcela {Suárez Sierra} and Arrigo Coen and Carlos A. Taimal},
## note = {R package version},
## url = {},
## }