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Bayesian Maximum Descriptive Length
Hadley Centre Central England Temperature
DataCPSim rlnorm_ts_1 rlnorm_ts_2 rlnorm_ts_3
Simulated time series data
Modified Bayesian Information Criterion
Maximum Descriptive Length
as.segmenter() as.seg_cpt() as.model() is_model() is_segmenter()
Convert a segmenter to a model object
Particulate matter in Bogotá, Colombia
build_gabin_population() log_gabin_population()
Initialize populations in genetic algorithms
changepoints() seg_params()
Extract changepoints
new_mod_cpt() validate_mod_cpt() mod_cpt()
Base class for changepoint models
compare_models() compare_algorithms()
Compare various models for a give changepoint set
as.seg_cpt(<cpt>) as.ts(<cpt>) logLik(<cpt>) nobs(<cpt>) seg_params(<cpt>)
Compatibility layer for changepoint
Diagnose the fit of a segmented time series
Compute exceedances of a threshold for a time series
Obtain a descriptive filename for a tidycpt object
fit_lmshift() fit_lmshift_ar1() fit_trendshift() fit_trendshift_ar1()
Regression-based model fitting
fit_meanshift() fit_meanshift2() fit_meanshift_norm() fit_meanshift_lnorm() logLik(<meanshift_lnorm>) fit_meanshift_norm_ar1()
Fast implementation of meanshift model
Fit a model for mean and variance
fit_nhpp_region() fit_nhpp() logLik(<nhpp>) glance(<nhpp>) mcdf() diagnose(<nhpp>) plot_intensity()
Fit a non-homogeneous Poisson process model to the exceedances of a time series.
Retrieve the optimal fitness (or objective function) value used by an algorithm
as.seg_cpt(<ga>) as.ts(<ga>) nobs(<ga>) seg_params(<ga>)
Compatibility layer for GA
imusaokomoto() mmusaokomoto() log_likelihood_region_musaokomoto() log_prior_region_musaokomoto() D_log_prior_region_musaokomoto() D_log_likelihood_region_musaokomoto()
Evaluanción de rate function (la derivada de la mean)
iweibull() mweibull() parameters_weibull() log_likelihood_region_weibull() log_prior_region_weibull() D_log_prior_region_weibull() D_log_likelihood_region_weibull()
Weibull distribution functions
mde_rain mde_rain_monthly
Rainfall in Medellín, Colombia
Differences between leagues in Major League Baseball
as.ts(<mod_cpt>) nobs(<mod_cpt>) logLik(<mod_cpt>) fitted(<mod_cpt>) residuals(<mod_cpt>) model_variance() coef(<mod_cpt>) augment(<mod_cpt>) tidy(<mod_cpt>) glance(<mod_cpt>) plot(<mod_cpt>) print(<mod_cpt>)
Methods for mod_cpt objects
Retrieve the arguments that a model-fitting function used
Retrieve the name of the model that a segmenter or model used
new_fun_cpt() validate_fun_cpt() fun_cpt() whomademe()
Class for model-fitting functions
new_seg_basket() validate_seg_basket() seg_basket() evaluate_cpts()
Default class for candidate changepoint sets
new_seg_cpt() validate_seg_cpt() seg_cpt()
Base class for segmenters
pad_tau() unpad_tau() is_valid_tau() validate_tau() binary2tau() tau2binary() tau2time() time2tau() cut_inclusive() split_by_tau() regions_by_tau() deg_free() as_year()
Utility functions
Plot GA information
as.seg_cpt(<seg_basket>) as.ts(<seg_basket>) best_cpt() plot(<seg_basket>) plot_best_chromosome() plot_cpt_repeated()
Methods for seg_basket objects
as.seg_cpt(<seg_cpt>) as.ts(<seg_cpt>) glance(<seg_cpt>) nobs(<seg_cpt>) print(<seg_cpt>) seg_params(<seg_cpt>)
Methods for seg_cpt objects
Segment a time series using a variety of algorithms
segment_ga() segment_ga_shi() segment_ga_coen() segment_ga_random()
Segment a time series using a genetic algorithm
Manually segment a time series
Segment a time series using the PELT algorithm
Format the coefficients from a linear model as a tibble
Simulate time series with known changepoint sets
as.ts(<tidycpt>) augment(<tidycpt>) tidy(<tidycpt>) glance(<tidycpt>) plot(<tidycpt>) print(<tidycpt>)
Generic functions for tidycpt objects
as.seg_cpt(<wbs>) as.ts(<wbs>) nobs(<wbs>) seg_params(<wbs>)
Compatibility layer for wbs