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NLbatting ALbatting NLpitching
American and National League statistics
cabrera sanchez umpires verlander
Pitch-by-pitch level detail for several players and umpires
compareTrajectories() selectPlayers2() compare_plot()
Shiny app for comparing player trajectories
dimaggio_1941 williams_1941
Ted Williams' and Joe DiMaggio's 1941 seasons
download_retrosheet() unzip_retrosheet() create_csv_file() create_csv_roster() cleanup() parse_retrosheet_pbp()
Download Retrosheet play-by-play files
hof_batting hof_pitching
Hall of Fame Batting and Pitching Statistics
Compute home run rates
Simulate one season from 1968
Retrosheet events data for 2016
retro_gl_header retro_gl_2011
Retrosheet game logs
retrosheet_add_states() retrosheet_add_counts()
Compute Base-Out States on Retrosheet Data
Ripken's Iron Man game log
Warren Spahn Pitching Statistics
statcast_daily() statcast_season() statcast_read_csv() statcast_write_rds()
Download Statcast data from Baseball Savant
temps_2023 parks_2023
Ballpark names and game time temperatures for 2023