Final project: Data visualization sidebar


May 4, 2023


For this assignment, you will produce a data visualization with a short (at most 250 words) description. This is the sort of thing you might see in a sidebar in a magazine. It might accompany a larger story, but it should be self-contained.

Like the One Number Story, you will submit this assignment as a pull request to the class Quarto blog repository. You will simultaneously submit a Word document to Moodle.

Broadly, the subject of your sidebar is housing.


This semester, we have discussed:

You are free to draw on any of this material in sourcing data for your sidebar.


Housing is a complicated subject that affects everyone, with many potential avenues for exploration. Your project might address any of the following issues:

  • Affordable housing and its availability (or lack thereof)
  • Changes in real estate prices
  • Disparities in property tax rates and/or revenues
  • The influence of a particular person or company on a town
  • Houselessness
  • New housing developments, building lots, protected lands, land trusts, etc.
  • Something else…

Be creative! Pose some questions to yourself, then gather the data you need in order to answer your question.


This is an individual assignment. Your project must include:

  • a .qmd file
  • exactly one readable, well-crafted, informative data graphic (either static or interactive)
  • a short (at most 250 word) description of what you want the reader to see in the data graphic